Luna paige tuiskoms toer
In April 2024 het Luna Paige die ondenkbare gedoen – sy het nie net een album vrygestel nie, maar twee. Een in Engels, en een in haar moedertaal, Afrikaans. Na die vrystelling van die twee albums en ‘n gepaardgaande mediaveldtog, het sy Suid-Afrika verruil vir drie avontuurlustige maande in Europa. Gedurende die laaste maand (Augustus), het sy klein konserte in Nederland gehou – waar sy stadig, maar seker, weer die Europese leisels na die pandemie opgeneem het.
Met haar terugkeer na Suid-Afrika, slaan sy die langpad met haar TUISKOMS / COMING HOME toer. Suid-Afrikaanse aanhangers wat die albumbekendstellings in April misgeloop het, kry nou die geleentheid om haar twee albums “Dis die dors” en “Harmony” eerstehands te ervaar. Wat hierdie toer besonders maak, is die intieme aard van haar optredes – tot op die been gestroop, eerlik, rou – soos die liedjies toe sy hulle geskryf het – hetsy op ‘n bergkrans in Calitzdorp, langs die Bergrivier in Velddrif, of vanaf die rusbank na sy die nuus van die dag gekyk het.
Luna sal die musiek ná haar optredes in USB-formaat verkoop, asook spesiaal-gemaakte Luna Paige-notaboeke met uittreksels uit haar liedjies.
Datum: 2 November 2024
Tyd: 18:00
Kate Pinchuck isn’t panicking, so you shouldn’t either. The journey of figuring out how to fix yourself is fraught with lots of therapy, inner child healing and “relaxing” mental health walks. And it never goes quite how you’ve planned.
This award-winning show attempts to navigate millenial angst and the societal pressure to have a house, 2.4 kids, a thriving career, and zero mental health issues by the age of 21, even though she is 31 and has none of those things. It’s fine though, she has a comedy show instead, and sometimes moving back in with her psychologist parents can be hilarious, especially because you don’t have to do your own laundry. Being an adult is terrifying, but don’t panic! She’s going to talk you through it.
Date: 9 November 2024
Time: 19:00
Johan Botes is known for his extraordinary versatility as a soloist, collaborative musician, and teacher; a career which has brought him recognition in concerts around the world. A native of South Africa, Johan was the 2007 First Prize Winner of the Third UNISA/Vodacom National Piano Competition. In 2023 in the USA, he was nationally chosen as the 2nd Prizewinner in the American Prize competition for the performing arts in both the solo and concerto divisions. As a soloist, Johan has performed with numerous orchestras worldwide, from South Africa to Bulgaria, and England to America.
He is currently Associate Professor of Piano at Marshall University in Huntington, WV.
Werner van Coller, originally from Viljoenskroon, is a versatile baritone with a rich background in both music and pharmacy. After earning a Bachelor of Pharmacy from North-West University, he pursued his passion for music through various choirs and mentorships with esteemed vocalists. He balanced a pharmaceutical career while nurturing his musical talents, eventually returning to Viljoenskroon in 2018 to deepen his craft. An accomplished musician, he plays multiple instruments and has performed with prestigious orchestras, participated in notable productions like “Oklahoma,” and created the environmental music video “The Next Pompeii.” Werner remains active in his community, performing at local events and collaborating with fellow musicians.
varietease! a production of intrigue!
is a burlesque, drag and variety traveling show brought to you by BB Productions ZA with Mistress of Ceremonies, Miss Courtney De Vorst, producers Bon Bon & Betty Behave and Katja Vx!
Burlesque, in essence, is the art of the tease. Reveals and conceals, mischievously naughty but nice acts, over the top sequence and feather costumes will be plentiful! Due to comedic adult content, no under 18’s please.
It’s going to be fun!
It’s going to be delightful!
It’s going to be hilariously delicious!
Please leave your bigotry at home!
Date: 16 November 2024
Time: 19:00
Gellyblik se nuutste musiekalbum, “Skep Moed”, is ‘n kragtige treffer wat die uitdagings wat vroue in die samelewing teëkom, aanspreek. Die album roep mans op om op te staan en vroue beter te behandel, wat ‘n belangrike boodskap van respek en begrip uitstraal. Die unieke klank van die album vang die essensie van die Karoo vas, terwyl dit die natuurskoon van die omgewing komplimenteer. Saam met hom op die verhoog is Waldon Paul Ewerts, Frazer en Deniel Barry van Tribal Echo, wat die vertoning nog meer besonders maak. Hierdie show is beslis nie een wat jy wil mis nie; dit is gesinsvriendelik, wat beteken dat almal welkom is om saam te kom kyk en ’n onvergeetlike aand te geniet!
Datum: 7 Desember
Tyd: 19:00
Met Derek Hendriks, Claudia Hendriks, Burnet Bosman, Elrico Jacobs en Du-ane Hendriks.
Die produksie gaan oor Slam Jam se Journey through time. Dit is Slam Jam se 32ste bestaansjaar met Derek Hendriks aan stuur. Die span bestaan uit oudlede van Slam Jam en 2 of 3 nuwe lede. Daar sal ‘n storielyn wees wat deur musiek opgevoer word. Kom geniet die band en julle tyd by The Showroom Theatre.
Datum: 21 Desember 2024
Tyd: 19:00